Yuck, Yuck, Yuck

Ok, so this is similar to my annoyances, but these are more trivial! I hate...

*!* ...it when you put something down & when you go to get it a split second later it's not there. Maybe it's just me, but it happens a lot. I can drive myself crazy over this!
*!* ...the taste of deoderant/hair spray/perfume if you inhale some.
*!* ...having big boobs. Bra's look like shit, your back aches & you jiggle when you run!
*!* ...touching other people's dirty clothes, they gross me out!
*!* ...using dirty towels. You know the senario - you have a shower, go to get out & realise you forgot to pick up some fresh towels.
*!* ...most people under the age of 18
*!* ...it when you get chuggy stuck round your mouth
*!* ...pop/country music. I'd rather pull all the tiny hairs on my arms out one-by-one than be subjected to it
*!* ...it when you miss your train by a few seconds