Don't Piss Me Off, I'm Running Out Of Places To Hide The Bodies

*!* Stupidity is a disease that must be stopped. Stay in school, kids!

*!* Pro-lifers who jump straigh in & start telling people with unwanted pregnancies what to do need to crawl back inside their mothers' womb & be aborted themselves

*!* Being rude is totally uncalled for. It doesn't take much to be polite

*!* Being full of yourself is an ugly trait

*!* Being an ignorant American (the type that thinks the whole world does things exactly the same as they do in America) is just an open invitation for a slap

*!* Arguing your point when you are so obviously wrong shows you to be a complete idiot

*!* I hate people who lie & continue to do so even when they've been caught out

*!* Telling me that I'm a crap mum based on the idiotic fact of my age is totally ignorant. Do you know me? No, well don't judge!

*!* I hate the trolls on the pregnancy/parenting boards

*!* Being shallow/ignorant/racist/homophobic is one way to make me hate you

*!* Child actors who pure ham it up need a kick up the arse!